 Sustainable Housing
 Renewable Energy
 Wood Heat Industry
 Woodburning Emissions
 Sustainability and
Masonry Heater Association Library
- Sustainable
Building Sourcebook
- Based on the City of Austin's Greenbuilder Program, this is the
best comprehensive online resource available today. An essential
resource, also available in hardcopy form.
- Environmental Building
- The leading periodical in the field. Their archive
of feature articles is one of the highest quality collections of
sustainable design and construction information on the Net.
- Surfin' Strawbale Links List
- Strawbale construction is one of the hotbeds of the
sustainable construction movement today. Extensive annotated clickable
list of links.
- Designing
a Sustainable Future
IN CONTEXT #35, Spring 1993
A gread read! Guide to Green Mortgages/Energy Efficient Mortgages mortgageloan.com
- www.buildingdesign.co.uk
Building design and construction services directory
Renewable Energy
- Alliance for Green Heat Heat
Helping to push the frontiers of how biomass can heat America. - Home Power Magazine
Online subject index of past issues. Previous articles are
available for downloading via a bulletin board. The Feb/March '96
issue has a good article on masonry heating systems.
- Energy
Design Tools
- Free software allows you to predict the performance of your passive
solar design.
- The Carbohydrate
Economy Clearinghouse
(National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network
- Radiant
Flooring Primer
- located at Energy Source Builder, a quality resource.
EcoIQ Energy Links
Good list of renewable energy links
- Whole
Earth "Fire" Issue (Winter 99)
complete text of the articles.
"a must read" - ed.

Wood Heat Industry
- A
Guide To Residential Wood Heating
Excellent overview from the Canadian government
- This is Wood Heat
- The straight goods on burning wood for heat and enjoyment in your
home. Recommended.
Good site from England.
- The Chimney Sweep's news magazine
- Fireplaces
and Woodstoves
Good list of links to the hearth industry. Shopping links.
- HearthNet
On top 5% of Internet Sites list
- Gulland Associates
- Hearth products training, consulting and publishing
Link Centre
Good list of biomass energy links
- ChimneySweeps.com
Woodburning Emissions
- All
About Woodsmoke
Excellent article by John Gulland. Recommended reading.
- OMNI Environmental Services,
Premier private industry test lab, Portland Oregon
Sustainability and Bioregionalism
Sustainable Culture Information Service
- "Since 1979 Context Institute has been exploring and clarifying
just what is involved in a humane sustainable culture - and how we
can get there."
- Virtual Library:
From Finland, the spiritual home of masonry heating.
- Virtual Library: Biodiversity,
Ecology and the Environment
From Rice University. Great resource.
- Woodburning, forestry
and global warming
- A scholarly paper on woodburning and the forest. Recommended reading.
Masonry Links
- The Bakeoven Page
- Earth
- A very extensive, first rate resource brought to you by The
Sustainable Building Sourcebook
- Buckley Rumford Co.
Information on Rumford fireplaces. Useful masonry industry
- E.
W. Evans, Brick Layer & Plasterer
"My parents were slaves on the plantation of John H.
Hill, a slave owner in Madison, Georgia". Fascinating interview
done as part of the WPA project during the Great Depression.